Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rain Doesn't Stop the Fun

When you're four, a little rain ain't gonna stop your fun.  Frankly, if the adults in your life let you run around in the rain, it'd only amp-up the fun.  Adults are such fun-suckers, aren't they?

I don't remember what the picnics were like for my older three when they went through this school, but I'm sure there were a few games that weren't moved indoors - I'm guess some water-related activities.  Not that the kids would know or care.  They started with beach balls that they had their friends sign and moved right on into cotton candy and snow cones.  After that, I'm not sure that they cared there were other plans.  They're enthusiasm and pure joy (and energy) in just playing with a parachute is crazy to be around - I wish that sort of thing could be bottled, or at least rubbed off on.

Having no computer has me feeling dead-in-the-water, with a list of "don't forget to do this" getting longer.  I can't print labels.  I can't access my order forms for the June kits.  I can't get my sheets to sort out said orders to know what goes in what kit.  I can't access my iTunes.  I'm getting all my mail on my phone, but some require actions that I can't do on my phone.  Well, I could but it'd be a big pain.  So I feel like I'm coasting, which is rubbing off on my housework.  It doesn't help I'm looking at summer break and a house that won't stay clean.  The clutter from hubby working on restoring my computer is all over my kitchen counter and has reached the official "bugging" me point.  I'm grateful he is not only able to fix it, but taking the time to do so, but I need the clutter out of my sight.  Anyone else get this way about their homes?

So you can get something done and ignore any clutter, today's Color Theory inspiration has these great colors that are so fresh - I love the pop of apple green and red-orange.

For examples in Apron Strings kits with this pallet, we need only to turn to the May All Year Cheer Card Kit, with this example created by Wendi Robinson.

And in this example, by. . . uh. . .me, for my Project Life, using the October Afternoon 9 to 5 line found in the Bigger than a Breadbox August '12 kit.  I don't know what week this is for, other than it's February.  But it's done and in the coffee table book.

A couple more days to get your work linked up to the various comment sections.  Remember if you don't have the kits, you can still play along, just search out your own stash for the color pallet, create and share.  Boom, you're eligible for May's prize.

Happy Thursday,

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