We're almost to the official end of an era with our 14 y.o. son - he's been told, as have his classmates, to not return to school unless they're with a parent, because they are DONE. (This announcement must come from years of 8th graders returning as Kings and perhaps disrupting those who are still in school.) Outside of graduation on Friday, he is no longer a student at the school he's attended for nine years. Their time came to a close yesterday with the tradition of releasing green balloons (green being a color of hope) with their wishes and dreams attached - "the sky's the limit!"
It's funny looking at this picture, most of the kids have been here since Kindergarten, an age when you would barely see the tops of their heads over the railings here.
I attended the awards breakfast yesterday morning, before the big send-off, and enjoyed listening to light-hearted poems for each of their teachers, finding out who was awarded scholarships to the local private high schools and who received various awards. Our boy was recognized for the highest overall grade average in History - something that came as a nice surprise for us all. We'll find out Friday if he received any other academic awards; he's been on the First Honors list since 7th grade, so fingers are crossed.
I'm feeling the need to kick people out of the house, siphon the gas out of the car (sorry, can't run you here or there. . .no gas) and do nothing, or rather do what I want, for about 12 hours. It's nuts around these parts. I need some me time with the sketches I seem to be only collecting from the 28 Days of Sketches class over at Big Picture. I need to do some cleaning and clearing and work seems to be piling up. Today's color inspiration will at least get one thing crossed off your own to-do list.
The first example comes from this month's Card Kit, a card by Wendi Robinson - an awesome card for any graduateyou may need a card for. The May kit is, unfortunately sold out, but the paper line - My Mind's Eye Boy Crazy - can be found as just the papers or in the March '13 Bigger than a Breadbox kit.
Another example, also from Wendi, is this card made with the March '13 All Year Cheer Card Kit, using the Pebbles Fresh Goods line.
A quick note, there is another FREE Class being offered over at Big Picture, and it's a Pajama Party. I'm already signed up; challenges, prizes, video and more.
Happy Wednesday,

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