I mentioned at the beginning of the week that my menu planning for this week was all via my I Can Cook That Pinterest Board. Get ready for a run down - all of these were good and fast and perfect for a night you plan to scrapbook and or craft.
Homemade Taco Seasoning and Homemade Enchilada Sauce for some smothered burritos. The Taco Seasoning has some good heat and because I used Smoked Paprika, some nice smoky notes. The Enchilada Sauce came out a little thick - I probably cooked it a little too long - so I just added a little more water to get the consistency I wanted. It was good and, bonus, I no longer need to have cans or spice packets on hand! WooHoo.
I made Fettuccine Alfredo, a family favorite. And I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the cream and butter. This recipe was posted by Jamie Cooks it Up, but is a Pioneer Woman recipe. It's not in either of her cookbooks, but from her show and/or blog. Definitely need to use fresh shredded parm. I was warned and I ignored. But it was still good.
I had bananas that were well past their prime so I made some Funky Monkey Baked Oatmeal. Oh my! I was afraid of adding milk to my reheated baked oatmeals - I thought they'd get mushy and I'd have a bowl a regular oatmeal, which is what I'm trying to avoid going the baked route. But I've found a tablespoon or two after I've reheated my serving is perfect! Moist, warm, sort of like a bread pudding.
Dinner tonight, and dessert are also Pins from this board as well. I'll let you know Monday (or probably Tuesday since I haven't posted on a Monday in a while) how it was.
I love going through my Pin board and moving things from I Can Cook That to I Cooked That. If you're ever looking for a quick dinner, check there. I've tried those recipes and make notes in the comments for myself for the next time I make them. I feel so accomplished moving something from one board to the next.
I'm hoping to do that with some crafty projects as well - well they won't move but they'll be something I completed. I'm looking at some projects on my Home for the Holidays and I Can Do That boards for home decor pieces. Which means if I hope to accomplish even one thing I need to get to my studio for some cleaning. Serious cleaning. What a pit.
But first I have a German Apple Pie to make.
Happy Friday,

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