Anyway, I've had to take my son to school (funny how quickly I got used to my daughter doing the driving!) before driving the other two to school. It was lovely this morning. Crisp, cool (45 degrees), deep blue skies. Geese are over-nighting on the soccer fields. The trees on the drive are sprinkled with the colors of fall I love so much. And in the distance, the peaks were dusted with snow. Snow! This is hardly early for us here, but I love seeing it nonetheless. I heard that one of the ski areas received two feet of snow. Happy dancing ensued in my head. And then a coughing attack hit me. Still happy though. :)
This time of year, more-so than the Spring, has me wanting to clean and clear out. Yesterday, while waiting in the pick-up line, I decided to make a list of what I'd like to do room-by-room - both from a sort/purge perspective as well as decorating. I didn't care if they were long-term projects or not. I wrote it down. Let's see if I, 1) ever mention the list again, let alone 2) do anything with it.
I was, however, much more productive a couple weeks ago when I went out to crop. All Project Life. I made my way into May. Yes. I know it's September.
I completed five weeks, I think, that night. The above two are from our trip in April to Kansas for my niece's wedding. The trip covered three pages - this is where one of those 6x12 pages might have come in handy. I'm still really enjoying the process, even though I'm not as up-to-date as I'd like. It was nice to have the book on the coffee table this weekend during out Birthday-palooza party, as it got picked up and flipped through.
Happy Tuesday,

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