My 16 y.o. daughter, the most recent recipient of "the bug," is home sick with the same thing that has hit everyone but the 13 y.o.. I believe the source/carrier of this lovely bug was the 5 y.o. He came home with sniffles and a cough about two weeks after school started. I can count on this happening every year - two weeks in and someone comes home with something for sharing. Currently, the 14 y.o. is up and back to school (he was out during the rains.) I'm on the mend, but the cough is hanging on and flairs when I talk to much. So I limit my talking, which I'm sure my kids love. Hubby is behind my daughter as the next one felled by the illness and he's about at day five, which seems to be the peak and then it starts to get better.
Anyway, I've had to take my son to school (funny how quickly I got used to my daughter doing the driving!) before driving the other two to school. It was lovely this morning. Crisp, cool (45 degrees), deep blue skies. Geese are over-nighting on the soccer fields. The trees on the drive are sprinkled with the colors of fall I love so much. And in the distance, the peaks were dusted with snow. Snow! This is hardly early for us here, but I love seeing it nonetheless. I heard that one of the ski areas received two feet of snow. Happy dancing ensued in my head. And then a coughing attack hit me. Still happy though. :)
This time of year, more-so than the Spring, has me wanting to clean and clear out. Yesterday, while waiting in the pick-up line, I decided to make a list of what I'd like to do room-by-room - both from a sort/purge perspective as well as decorating. I didn't care if they were long-term projects or not. I wrote it down. Let's see if I, 1) ever mention the list again, let alone 2) do anything with it.
I was, however, much more productive a couple weeks ago when I went out to crop. All Project Life. I made my way into May. Yes. I know it's September.
I completed five weeks, I think, that night. The above two are from our trip in April to Kansas for my niece's wedding. The trip covered three pages - this is where one of those 6x12 pages might have come in handy. I'm still really enjoying the process, even though I'm not as up-to-date as I'd like. It was nice to have the book on the coffee table this weekend during out Birthday-palooza party, as it got picked up and flipped through.
Happy Tuesday,
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