I'm pretty sure the calendar says September - land of the anniversary, five family birthdays and supposedly cooler temps. Well the anniversary came and went on Labor Day. Our 24 year journey together has produced four children and one soul, ups, downs, complete turn-arounds, places that surprise us, places we would rather not be, places we want to revisit, private jokes and finished sentences. But our path has been taken together and I can't imagine walking it with anyone else. Thanks for it all my love.
The first of the birthdays is this weekend; my sister-in-law. Far flung wishes go out to her in California as she spends the day without her hubby (my hubby's brother) who is in Kazakhstan for a launch. Hopefully, she and her daughter will enjoy some really good cake and some quality Skype time.
The heat, which isn't supposed to be here, is intense. We've been about 15 degrees above average and I'm done. I'm over it. I will be happy to see the door smack Summer in the behind as it leaves!
The only upside to the heat is that it forced me to the basement where my studio is and I played for a decent part of Saturday afternoon. I completed another few weeks on my Project Life album; I think three more weeks. I also dug pretty deep into my stash for a couple of the layouts, which is always fun. Did I take pictures? No. Well, one. So I'll have to nab the others later today. With the heat, it'll be a good reason to blow off whatever calls me on the main floor and head back downstairs.
Then one shout out. Big Picture Classes is having their annual Big Idea Festival starting tomorrow, September 5th - which is totally free and always has great inspiration. The best part is if you can't make the whole day, it's in your feed forever to revisit when you need a pop of creativity.
Happy Wednesday,

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