One of the great things about kids, especially the younger ones, is their pure enthusiasm and joy in the magic of special days. . .well every day, but to be sure on holidays. My older kids are growing out of that; the magic is shifting for them, which makes the 5 y.o.'s exuberance all the more fun.
I went in to wake him up this morning and after my usual nudges, pokes and tickles he popped up, crazy hair poking out all over his head to announce with a big grin, "It's Halloween!" "Yep," was my reply, "and trick-or-treating tonight." More big grins and a snuggle reflected this pure joy. I told him to get dressed, and put on his "sparkly" Halloween shirt and come find me. He came bounding into our bedroom dressed for the day, all smiles and ready for whatever magic he'd find in today. He'll enjoy a class party later. His older brother, dressed in black slacks and black dress shirt with an orange tie and orange ombre shoes, has a dance this afternoon. His older sister is dressed as a hockey fan - she could go over the top with the hockey apparel she already has, but I suspect she'll be more reserved. His other brother, well, I think he's just himself - the most reserved of the four of them, I don't believe he is even nodding at the holiday by wearing orange.
Tonight hubby will head out with the 5 y.o., the 16 and 14 y.o.'s have asked to have a few friends over for either trick-or-treating as a group, or watching scary movies, or apparently there's some big work due on Friday for the 16 y.o's circle, so they may just study. A trip to pick up pizza will be added to my list for the day. There is a definite shift in traditions that I'm not sure my heart is ready for.
Today is the final day for Croptober. You'll have until Sunday to get your work for the month linked up. Remember any one challenge completed will get you in the drawing for the prize. This week, any two completed challenges will get you an additional goodie.
A final search for Halloween Layouts on Pinterest netted me this one, followed to Hand Stamped Style's blog. I love the circle, which can be scaled bigger if you need, as can the banner with the photo block. Easy to create a two-pager. Easy to convert for a card. Another great place for stamps to be used - in the pumpkins on the top and the shoes on the bottom - shoot even the title block! Take your pick. Then be sure to share it in the comments.
Happy Halloween!