We hosted the in-laws with turkey and the trimmings. Naturally, there were a couple recipes from Pinterest to round out some of our traditional dishes. We had these Crescent Rolls and they were awesome. Soft, fluffy and great the next morning for breakfast sandwiches. I had to add another 1/2 cup of flour and cooked at 350 instead; probably has something to do with our altitude. I also cooked up this Indiana Sugar Cream Pie to go with the traditional pumpkin pie. I didn't know what to think of it when I came across it, but it was awesome and so easy to assemble. Next time I might do cinnamon on top instead of nutmeg - or a combo of the two.
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We're looking at a quiet weekend with good weather to, hopefully, get decorations up on the house - that's the 5 y.o.'s goal anyway.
Happy Friday,