Other than being a backdrop in any number of photos, is it ever the subject of your photos? This assignment will give it the spotlight it deserves. Each assignment will have you looking through the lens at various places around your home, and in the end you'll create a layout using them.
Today's assignment has you photographing your favorite room in your house. All photos, along with the layout will be due August 15th.
Mine, for now (meaning when I get other rooms cleaned and organized it may change), but for now my favorite room in my bedroom. It sits at the back of the house, which is south facing, so gets plenty of light during the day. Like my dishes, the linens rotate out depending on the season. Now, it's the bright yellow and cool blues of summer. I love my curtains; light, airy and billowy in the breezes. It has seaside touches in the bathroom. Photos of my kids when they were little on my dressers. The bedroom set is honey-stained oak; warm and cozy. It's the room all my babies came home to when they were newborns. It's where countless holiday wrapping sessions were, and continue to be, spent. When the house was being painted it was my escape from the mess of tarps, brushes, cans and scaffolding. It's where the kids come when they're scared at night. It's where we've watched gully-washers of a storm pass through the neighborhood. It's where I could hear the kids rustling around downstairs on Christmas morning - I could hear their excited whispers as they sat and tried to guess what was in their stockings. It's where we pretend to be asleep when we hear their elephant feet running up the stairs when they can't wait any longer for us to come down on holiday mornings. It's seen countless tears and happy smiles. It's a good room.

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