Quickly first, I did manage to get my assignment done last night for the Big Idea Festival over at Big Picture Scrapbooking. A prompt on Day One was to finisht the thought "I Learn." Little did I know they'd take that prompt and ask us to create a layout using our completed phrase. I'd have thought of something easier to scrapbook - made sure I had photos at least - before giving the answer I gave. Instead in a 9th inning scramble on how to interpret my phrase "I've learned I DON'T want to know EVERYTHING my children are doing. It can be hazardous to my health." I had to really stretch. I found a photo of my three kids, since nothing with Matthew is printed, and decided to list a few things I'd rather I didn't know. Like, "I don't need to know how you get the cereal off the top shelf of the pantry." I finished with a couple nice things like, "I don't need to know that your time under this roof is limited." Below is the layout. NOTE - it's using an August kit!! And I had 8 minutes to spare when I uploaded it. How's that for under the gun cropping? (Sorry the image isn't the best, I shot it at midnight and there's not a whole lot of natural light then.)
- From Christmas in July - I've got Christmas Treats going to: Patchi and Linda R! You'll get goodies in your next shipments.
- From Week #5 (assignments #22-#25): Kai! Contact me at lori@apronstringsdesigns.com please :)
- And because it's prize day, I have follower #81 whose ID is kimr. Please contact me at lori@apronstringsdesigns.com.
I'm still working my way through entries and leaving comments, hopefully I'll make some more progress on that tonight when I get home from this next game. Wish us luck!
Have a great weekend!

Great LO! I didn't manage mine and I was thinking twice before I made up my "I laugh..." today - just in case!
I just got my kit + treat today - Love them all! Thanks so much!
Thanks about the layout - I felt like I was on one of those timed cooking shows - reaching for anything that looked good and really not having a clue what I was doing. My "Laugh" was approached the same way, with a "do I have photos for whatever I write" thought running through my head.
Glad you're enjoying your Treats! :)
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