Last day of September. Last day of 4 Skeches/20 Days.
First let's close out the month with final designs from Patchi. Remember Patchi is holding a giveaway on her blog - super easy, just leave a comment. Also, Patchi was just named to the Scrapmaster's Paradise Color Combo Team! Way to go! Thanks for the awesome work and inspiration this month - your layouts were terrific.
Today, for the final challenge - it's your choice. Here are the three sketches used in the past month - mix them, match them, whatever you want to create your final layout for this month.
With the close of the month, comes a weekend without soccer games (huge tournament weekend for upper level players - luckily we aren't those yet) and my daughter's first Homecoming dance. Nope, wasn't asked by a boy - which is fine by me, and actually I don't think she much cares either. She'll head out to dinner with a group of girls from volleyball and then to the dance. I think she's really enjoyed her first Spririt Week - I know it's been fun watching her, but I miss her being home these days.
This month has been crazy chaotic - more so than usual. It'll be nice to have the down time.
Quick and to the point today, since yesterday was so late. Using the right side of the top sketch, turn it upside-down and make it the left side page, then use the right side of the bottom sketch as is.
I've completed my chores, dinner is leftovers and so am moving on to "the list."
Seriously, why can't I count or notate properly? What is this the second time I've mis-numbered challenges? Dang. I noticed it yesterday and then some changed on our network made doing almost anything on the internet impossible. I don't worry about the "why" because I married a tech-nerd.
I have no idea where today went - I got up, I got dressed, I got the trash to the curb, the 3 y.o. dressed and the dishwasher half emptied before I left for MOPS. I remember coming home. Now I look outside and it's dark. Dark! I vaguely remember boys and server training, soccer for someone in this house, homecoming week for my daughter, and another son and three of his buddies running around being loud and filming a commercial at the house. At some point I apparently cooked dinner, because I just cleaned it up. The 3 y.o. is in bed so I must have gotten him undressed, bathed and in bed. And now here I am, the dog gnawing on something she probably shouldn't be, the hubby and the 12 y.o. editing upstairs, two other kids in bed - or they're supposed to be (uh, I hear footsteps, someone's not in bed) and it's 10:45 PM. I missed a whole day.
So, luckily you have until the weekend to get these challenges posted (and I've added the missing links to the previous posts.) Today take the right side of the top sketch and turn it 90 degrees and pair it with the left side of the bottom sketch.
Alrighty. . .well, I have piles of things to do and the witching hour is closer than it should be.
It's Sneaky Peek day for the October kits. If you aren't already a member - you really need to join! You've seen how much people are getting done - that could be you!
Did you know -
Autoship membership has no time commitment to meet?
Members have the ability to flip or make a substitution for their monthly kits? (some restrictions apply)
Members aren't penalized for skipping a kit?
Members get their add-on orders shipped without incurring additional shipping with their monthly kits.
There's inspiration galore, because kits should be used. . .not stashed!
And BEST of all - autoship membership is budget-friendly. Both you and your significant other will smile - you because you get all kinds of new yummy goodness and your significant other because you're staying within budget!
Don't keep putting it off. . .come join us!
Today use the left side of the top sketch as is and combine it with the left side - turned upside down - of the bottom sketch, which will become the right side page.
AARRRGGUUHHH! Isn't that what Charlie Brown says whenever Lucy pulls the football away? That's the way my day felt after oh. . . .10:00 am. Which is pretty early to have that feeling. Whatcha gonna do?
The weekend. I don't know. Was there one? Oh, yeah, we had soccer with a tie and a loss. We had gorgeous pre-Indian Summer weather. We had a lot of trying to get things done, but just didn't get there. Again. . .whatcha gonna do?
So this is the last week of 4 Sketches/20 Days. We're gonna mix things up. Literally. (And we're gonna see how good my memory is for where I stored these sketches.) Here are two sketches that we've used. Today combine the left side of the top sketch with the right side of the bottom sketch.
I've got to go be mom-the-engineer and build a train track that will be played with for 10 minutes, but with much appreciation and enthusiasm.
Is it Friday yet, or did I miss it? This week has just been a stinkin' blur and I wouldn't be surprised if it was next week and I missed the weekend completely!
We're well into our nothing-new schedule for weekends which is pretty much soccer game, soccer game, church, food and the late-on-Sunday realization that at least one child has homework that should have been done Friday night. Our weekends look a lot like "Ground Hog Day" the movie.
So you can break up any monotonous schedule you may have going on this weekend, you can play with today's challenge - replace the large photo on the right-side with at least two smaller photos or embellishments.
I have a ton of miscellaneous items that really need to be wrapped up - so I'd best get going.
Today I'm blessed to recall another birth-story. This time of my former youngest child, who was my quickest labor at just three and a half hours. Who was the fastest delivery, with just one push (sorry, but there's no better way to say it.) Who I had the guts to watch being born. Who was delivered by his father (with the OB's help.) Who loves hearing his birth-story because he was the fastest then and continues to take pride in being the fastest still. Who who at 5:30 this morning turned 11! 11. . .seems like yesterday I found him laying on the top stair, where he'd fallen asleep while playing with trains, or on the arm of the couch like a tiger in a tree, while watching Blues Clues. My Jackson is truly unique - from his gung-ho attitude about anything and everything that catches his fancy - look out to the girl he wants to make his wife - to the way his mind works. You were, and are, my cuddliest child with "I love yous" and hugs whenever the mood strikes you. I miss your virtual hugs when I drop you off at school. I love you Jo-Jo, Happiest of Birthdays - you are truly one of a kind.
You know sometimes the hardest part of this month's challenge isn't coming up with how to change the sketch, it's which sketch I used and where I put it on my computer. Usually by Thursday I've got it down. Before I forget, I think I posted on Monday these layouts were due on the 24th, I meant the 25th - all the InLinkz are correct though. Anyway, today use one side of the sketch and because the photos are mounted on a large block, tilt the block on the diagonal.
I'm off to do a little shopping for the birthday boy and try and decide if I should take him out for a quick lunch at his favorite place. . McD's since soccer and volleyball will fill our evening until 8:00 pm tonight which makes going for his favorite dinner as a family impossible.
Are we mid-week already? Seems very unproductive to me and that stinks.
Well, I wouldn't want you to lose steam mid-week, so today's challenge is to rotate the left-side upside-down and then slide it over to make it the right-side of the layout.
Feeling a little off kilter today - going to see if I can find some focus and balance.
Don't forget about the two giveaways on Patchi's and Melanie's blogs.
That class at Got Sketch that I'm taking. . .yeah, totally spaced out getting my work for Monday! I also forgot about a class/meeting at church. I read the email to remind me the group was starting up at 9:45 at 9:46. As a result I took a good whack at my to-do list. . .how come we never seem to reach the end of those darn lists though?
As if Patchi knew I was a Space Cadet, her layout today is about space from the Rocket Age line from the September Bigger than a Breadbox kit to the theme! It's a great layout. You can find more of her wonderful work on her blog HERE. She also has some great tips for us:
I cut circles from "Black Hole" using a circle-cutter (WRMK) then added to "Blast Off"
I inked the chipboard then added Stickles to the edges.
I inked the cardstock mats
Alphas from my stash (Pink Paislee)
As if Patchi hasn't given us enough to get rockin' on. . .she's hosting a giveaway on her blog for an Apron Strings Smaller kit and all you have to do is comment. Love the easy stuff ;)
Now, let's get you sky-rocketing today on your own layout. Today, using the sketch o'the week, replace at least two spots that were designated as photos for something other than photos - embellishments, paper blocks, whatever.
As if a chance for one giveaway isn't enough, there's another. Sous Chef Melanie (who is one of the designers for the cards in the Card Kits) is hosting a giveaway for an Apron Strings July Card Kit.
Is it Monday already? Really? Where did the two days off go. . .'cause I don't think I got them off. Instead it was soccer (won one (hurray), lost one (booo). Those two games alone took up most of Saturday morning, so that by the time we got home it was a blur of lunch, cleaning and church.
Thanks for the "Happy Birthdays" from those of you here and on Facebook. It's the little things that make you happy - and those wishes did it! 'Course I'm not above having presents to unwrap, and I received delish goodies from my sister in Kentucky - lovely chocolate covered fruits. So naturally the box is empty today. Hey, it's fruit, I had to have my daily allowance! And at one of the games Matty brought me a dandelion. Then I was treated to one of my favorite foods for dinner - Gyros! It was a middle eastern feast where the kids actually tried some new stuff (instead of having chicken nuggets). . .and shock!. . . found they liked Hummus and Falafal.
Then there was the birthday party for those three birthdays in September - lots of lasagna, salads and garlic bread all topped off with scrumptious cake and homemade ice cream (thanks my girl!) Presents made all the birthday-people happy and one little one is still enjoying the pile of Cars paraphernalia this morning.
Unfortunately I didn't get time in to do any scrapping - but I'm ever hopeful and since I'm taking a class at Got Sketch, I'm itchin'! But even if I'm not scrapping, you are and here's this week's sketch to kick your week off. To start, use the sketch straight up!
Since the house was cleaned for the party (thanks hubby and kiddos) it means the Monday chores are pretty much done and the 3 y.o. is playing with all his newest goodies . . .it's time to hit that to-do list nice and early in the day!
Three years ago I was getting my first good less-goo look at my newest son - who was supposed to be a girl. My husband was on the phone telling his parents to bring the kids down after school to see their newest sibling and recounting our, no kidding, running out of gas on the way to the hospital, which was still a good 30 minutes away and contractions were 3 minutes apart. This was not so funny in the dash, or rather coasting into a gas station and sitting through several contractions to fill the car. Seriously, we were out of gas. Thank God the gas station at the bottom of the hill, off the highway, was a right hand turn and we had enough momentum to get us up into the driveway. There was some humor in it, sort of, once I was settled into my hospital bed. The past three years have been a little bumpy with our newest, colic-ridden, head-strong, stubborn fourth child. But he's an amazing, funny, smart little boy who completes our family in a way I wouldn't have thought when I found out, unexpectedly, that we were expecting another baby.
Happy Birthday to our Matty! You're going to do great things one day, I know it. Mostly because you won't take "no" from us, so I don't see why anyone else is going to be able to stop you!
Now, if I actually was creating a page for my little 3 year old (who doesn't have a single layout to his name, nor does he appear in any other one) I might, no would certainly, use the sketch from this week to do so. Today, rotate the right side 90 degrees to the left, but otherwise keep the sketch the same.All layouts from this week are due the evening of September 18th.
I was filling out some online forms today and had to check the age box and realized that tomorrow I'll be graduating to the next tired age box. Obviously I've since passed many age boxes and their tiers, this is the first year I've actually noticed it. Maybe I just need some mood-altering chocolate cake and sprinkles. We'll see, it's a standard weekend with soccer for us, so the day won't be anything too special in that regards - maybe that's a good thing.
Hope your weekend is a great one, filled with cooler weather and some chocolate and sprinkles.
The rain came, unfortunately after we had already dressed and headed to the fields - we were told "go home, practice cancelled" in a downpour. Figures.
Yesterday never really got off the ground after getting home from MOPS, which is pretty standard stuff. No matter how hard I try, when I lose those morning hours, getting much else done just doesn't happen. So those items on my list I didn't want to carry over, well I'm carrying them over and blowing off some chores to get them accomplished.
I love this sketch - it's a simple, clean layout with just enough photos as is, but there's definitely room for more. Today, flip the left-hand side upside down and use the "title" space for a photo(s).
I've got a volleyball game tonight. . .crossing fingers for a win. Soccer practices that run back-to-back until after 8:00, if the rain stays away and a back-to-school night. I'm thinking sandwiches for the rotating door that the kitchen will be tonight. I'm really not enjoying the fact that we aren't eating dinner together right now - during the week we aren't even all home at the same time until sometime after 7:00, unless my daughter has to stay for Varsity games, on those nights it's after 9:00. Totally sucks.
Cold. Cloudy. Waiting on the rain. Hopefully it'll start raining in the next couple hours and cancel soccer practice, LOL.
Good day so far, though not nearly as productive as yesterday, which I capped off by cleaning the oven. No, instead it was MOPS, which included a craft - fun and searching for a lost car after - no so fun. But as a result little else has happened. So I'm getting started now.
You can get started, or keep being, productive with today's challenge regarding this week's sketch. Hmmm . . .what to do today with it. Ah! Today add two more photos to the layout- how you do that is up to you, whether you flat out add two more or you work them into a space occupied by one.
I'm off to think up dinner - I have chicken tenders thawing, watch for that rain and a few other things on my to-do list that I'd rather not carry over to tomorrow's list.
It took some serious mental pushing to get started, but today has been pretty productive. I managed to tackle my Tuesday chores - my entry hall smells like oranges and my banisters are glowing, my laundry is down to one load of linens, I have dinner planned and thawing, and I even have 8 half-pints of raspberry jam setting up on the counter. Dang. . .what's up with that?
After weeks and weeks of 90+ temps, I'm eagerly anticipating the 60-ish temps coming our way tomorrow and Thursday. I may have to harvest and process my herbs sooner than I thought, though. I'll have to watch the lows over night or all my beautiful Thai Basil, Tarragon and Jalapenos will be lost. I lost my Cilantro in the August heat :(
Now if only I had time to act on the inspiration provided by Patchi today! Alas, I'm smack in the middle of post shipping, pre-November kit planning. But you can enjoy her great layout using the My Mind's Eye Lime Twist portion of the Bigger than a Breadbox kit. See her fantastic work on her Blog. She's got a few tips for you:
I used a Martha Stewart punch around the page on the "Spring Zag" paper.
I punched out stars from the "Spring Stars" paper and adhered them to the large round brads that came in the kit.
Pink Paislee glitter alphas for the title (Croptoberfest '10 prize).
Cosmo Cricket Tiny Type words added to the journaling list.
More inspiration. . .of course! Today's challenge in the month-long sketch series is simple, flip the sketch completely upside down.
The night gets busy after the kids come home - homework, dinner, soccer practice for the boys, our daughter is scoring a Level 4 volleyball game and then supporting the Varsity team (late night for her), back-to-school night for the 5th grader and DH is at a doctor appointment this evening. But did you see? I have homemade raspberry jam on the counter!
Well, it was a weekend. Two soccer games, four volleyball games, gorgeous weather (the leaves on our Autumn Purple are starting to go gold) and little else got done. Shrug. . .whatcha gonna do. But the washing machine is going, which always makes me feel more productive, floors are vacuumed, a bathroom is all sparkly. . .but dinner remains unplanned. Hmmm. . .
Go throw a load in your washing machine and then crank out a layout for this week's sketch challenge so you can feel ultra productive. Today, get your toes wet with this week's PageMaps sketch; use it straight-up, as is.
I was in the kitchen getting my then preschooler ready to go to school, with a toddler in a high-chair and an almost one-year old scooting around on the floor. My husband was in Washington, DC for a class. The TV was on and I was watching the towers, not really comprehending what was happening or seeing. I remember thinking what a freak accident to have a plane hit the tower. I was in mom-get-the-kids-ready-for-the-day mode. My phone rang, it was my husband who simply asked if I knew what was going on and that he was okay - he couldn't talk long - and then he was gone. I still really didn't get what was going on.
I remember finally realizing what was happening and not being able to comprehend it. I remember the empty skies for days. I remember hearing fighter jets at night, but never seeing them. I remember the patriotism flying in every flag on every house, in the words on every billboard and sign. I remember the candles on the porches in the evening. And I remember not being able to watch more than 10 minutes of news updates and photos from the sites.
I remember my husband returning home, after driving cross-country because the airports were closed. His stories of tanks in the streets of DC. Other people stranded and driving home and chatting at the gas stations as they crossed paths.
Short and sweet and on the run. . .Gorgeous day. Billing day. Shipping prep day. Coffee with a friend day. Son back from Outdoor Lab day. Soccer, volleyball and a little soccer tomorrow.
So this has been our sketch for the week - PageMaps style. Hopefully instead of being sick of seeing it, you're looking at it differently every time you've used it - how it can change and morph to fit your theme, number of photos or photo sizes. And while, yes, your layouts this week may look familiar, hopefully they look different. And unless you're scrapbooking chronologically, they won't be sitting side-by-side anyway. Today's challenge, use just one side of the sketch - if you want or need to create a 2-pager, "mirror" the first page to create the second page.
Layouts from this week are due 9/11/11 in the evening.
It was grey and rainy all day yesterday; I loved every minute of it. Too bad orders from the sale, billing and shipping has me running around in the depths of my office and store room; it was the perfect day for scrapbooking! Today is sunny and clear, crisp - fabulous!
A quick THANK YOU to everyone who shopped the Big Fall Sale. I hope you've filled up your cupboard for the long winter ahead, saved a little cash and are inspired to play. I have October product rolling in and oh-my! I am itching to get started selecting all the new goodies for November kits!
I was reading a past post from Allison Davis' blog - if you haven't checked out her blog and her fantastic sketches YOU HAVE TO. (Plus she's a multi-photo scrapper - a girl after my own heart!) She has self-published several volumes of her sketch work and has a class Sketch Support that starts September 20th. I've seen a copy of one of her books in person it was awesome! Anyway, she was saying what I've thought for a loonnnggg time - sketches are not a cop-out; you're not less creative or original if you use them. They're a springboard, use as much or as little of a sketch as you want. They give you a great blueprint for where to put your photos, if nothing else, to save you an hour or more shoving photos around on your paper. THAT is what this month's challenge series is all about: Using your Apron Strings kits (if you have them) and a sketch to get pages completed.
Today's challenge, using our sketch o'the week is: replace at least two smaller photos for a larger one.
The squirrels in the back yard are scurrying around saving food for winter.
Like them, you can scurry around the Apron Strings website socking away all kinds of goodies and saving money at the same time. This is the FINAL Day of the BIGGEST FALL SALE Apron Strings has ever had. There are deals to be dug up everywhere from full kits, to TV Dinners to Second Helpings of Paper and Embellishments.
Don't forget you'll receive a Return Reward to come shop again and save 20% (autoshipments not included) and orders over $50 (before taxes and shipping) will receive a 10-sheet patterned paper pack FREE.
Patchi let me know via Facebook, that We R Memory Keepers wants to know if and which kit club you participate in - go tell them about Apron Strings. Thanks Patchi for the heads-up.
Now, for today. This is our sketch of the week. Today, rotate one half of the layout - doesn't matter whether it's 90 or 180 degrees or which side.