Monday, September 19, 2011

4 Sketches, 20 Days #13

Is it Monday already?  Really?  Where did the two days off go. . .'cause I don't think I got them off.  Instead it was soccer (won one (hurray), lost one (booo).  Those two games alone took up most of Saturday morning, so that by the time we got home it was a blur of lunch, cleaning and church. 

Thanks for the "Happy Birthdays" from those of you here and on Facebook.  It's the little things that make you happy - and those wishes did it!  'Course I'm not above having presents to unwrap, and I received delish goodies from my sister in Kentucky - lovely chocolate covered fruits.  So naturally the box is empty today.  Hey, it's fruit, I had to have my daily allowance!  And at one of the games Matty brought me a dandelion.  Then I was treated to one of my favorite foods for dinner - Gyros!  It was a middle eastern feast where the kids actually tried some new stuff (instead of having chicken nuggets). . .and shock!. . . found they liked Hummus and Falafal.

Then there was the birthday party for those three birthdays in September - lots of lasagna, salads and garlic bread all topped off with scrumptious cake and homemade ice cream (thanks my girl!)  Presents made all the birthday-people happy and one little one is still enjoying the pile of Cars paraphernalia this morning.

Unfortunately I didn't get time in to do any scrapping - but I'm ever hopeful and since I'm taking a class at Got Sketch, I'm itchin'!  But even if I'm not scrapping, you are and here's this week's sketch to kick your week off.  To start, use the sketch straight up!

Since the house was cleaned for the party (thanks hubby and kiddos) it means the Monday chores are pretty much done and the 3 y.o. is playing with all his newest goodies . . .it's time to hit that to-do list nice and early in the day!

Happy Monday!

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