My sister did come over on Friday evening and we did knit. She jammed through a pair of boot toppers (how cute are they), while I continued to plug away at my sweater. This is the same sister who dabbles in just about everything and runs Design Tulip over on Etsy.
I did manage to work on a layout for Challenge One of the Super Stash Busters; it's almost finished. I also tackled a daily challenge to sort through a container. I chose an overflowing, hard to pick through, jar of tags. The container was one I needed to go through, and was on my "rethink it" list. I now have a better solution and a small pile to add to the kindergartner's box.
I caught up on posting for my #100HappyDays. I read up on my Phone Photography Project lessons and have been keeping an eye out for pictures. I'm finding things I took previously, for a different lesson, apply to a current lesson which has been interesting how many ways you can see one photo.
Painting is now finished in all the kids' bedrooms. I started hauling some of the tools and stuff out of the hallway and back to where it belongs. I had started buying new curtains, but couldn't seem to find thermal curtains in white. That quest took up a huge chunk of my Sunday. I did come out victorious, at the last stop. Naturally.
I started sorting through, and emptying boxes in my younger boys' room. Happily the boxes are gone in there, but the desk is covered with things to find places for, or things that will go on their shelves, once they are hung. And the pile of stuff for cataloging and giving away has become a mountain on my living room couch and floor.
Hubby hung all the curtains and two of the three bedrooms shelves last night. My daughter and 15 y.o. son need to finish their unpacking now that their rooms are complete. I refuse to go into the start of school next week with boxes of crap in their rooms. Once school starts those boxes won't move and more crap will just pile around them. Not gonna happen.
So I guess it was a pretty decent weekend in the productivity department.
Happy Tuesday,

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