As I figured, this weekend was about taking advantage of the good weather and getting some outdoor things scratched off the list - none of which happened at our own home, but oh well. Saturday morning hubby headed out with the kids to his folks' to deal with their lawn and gardens. I can tell you the kids were super excited by the prospect of yard work and couldn't wait to get started. It was like trying to hold back a herd of slugs, they were chomping at the bit so much.
That left me at home, alone, and I could have taken advantage of the empty silence and done something for myself. I didn't. Instead I dealt with a couple house things on my list from last week: sorting out cookbooks I don't use anymore and tackling The Pit, aka the basement - which included trips into the crawl space; always a fave.
I have a serious cookbook/recipe addiction. I have a stack of cookbooks I got for Christmas piled next to the couch that I'm reading through like novels. It's May, they've been there since January and I've gotten through one and a half books. I just love flipping through the pages. If there's pictures - awesome. If there's stories - it's nirvana. Obsession though it may be, it's hard to justify bringing in new stuff when you don't have room for the stuff you have. So it was time to clear out. The way I cook has changed in the last couple years, and so I got rid of cookbooks and magazines that no longer support my current way of cooking. It felt good, too. I now have a bag-full for either giveaway, or if I can stand holding on to it long enough, the garage sale in June. And there's a smidge more room on my shelf.
I also dug into cleaning the basement, which is where my studio is, but that I share with the kids' computers and rec space. (You can't call it a "play space" when there are teens involved.) Unfortunately, cleaning up was the closest I got to my work table the entire weekend. Well, I sorted all the cards I've made in the last few weeks and put them away. I wanted to play, but couldn't convince myself to do it - must be in a mini slump. But I did do something creative - I was finally swayed into taking a class I'd been looking at. I'm a huge sucker for a sketch in paper crafting - whether it's a layout or a card. I hemmed and hawed about this class and finally just decided to do it. I signed up for Sketch Solutions at Big Picture. It starts next week and I hope it continues the current momentum I have in completing pages. Guess I better get those 2013 Project Life® photos printed.
Happy Tuesday,

ohhh I love cookbooks, esp the picture kind, if they don't have pics I have a harder time making the recipe.. I think that's why I LOVE pinterest so much!!! LOL
I would totally agree with the picture theory - and why Pinterest works well for me, too.
I had some really old Pampered Chef Season's Best cookbooks - those $1 ones, and outside of a drawing on the cover, they had no pictures. Now, I've gotten better at visualizing recipes, but there's something about a picture of the finished product.
Yeah, there's a lot of repeating recipes in those $1 books, and most of the recipes are bit-sized appetizers, which I don't have much use for, but it's probably the lack of photos that tipped me over to putting the majority of them in the giveaway.
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