It looks like Spring might be dropping back in this weekend in Colorado, and it's bring temps in the 70's. We picked up some rhubarb and tomatoes while we were Mother's Day shopping, so those need to be planted. We also have some potatoes that need to find their way to a potato tower. I have basil and mint that have been rooting in the house - but I think I might wait a little longer before putting them outside. Snow and/or freezing temps are not completely out of the question yet. I'm sure hubby has plans for mowing lawns and washing cars. Need to plan out what the garden will hold this year. I've noticed weeds a poppin' that need pullin'. The canvases from last weekend's plant-covering escapades need to be put away. The snow knocked a lot of gunk out of the trees onto the patios, so they need sweeping. Patio furniture needs washing off. And I've been browsing a couple things for the patios, but I need to get them ordered before my selection is gone.
Because of its un-use during the last week of billing and shipping the downstairs is a disaster. Add that there was a diorama/Lego project that took place there too and, well, it's like a Lego tsunami hit. It does feel good that The Pile has been dealt with, that I've created a ton of cards from The Stack and I have ideas rolling around in my head on how to deal with future storage for some of the stash I used during the StashBusters class. AND that horizontal space is still clear! Now that's a feat. After cleaning up I may even tackle another purge project. Or head to the store to look for storage. I can't decide.
I didn't cook from Pinterest this week, but my meals were based on my overstuffed freezer, 'fridge and pantry. However, a couple weeks ago I needed a side - when we were hosting a lot of family - and found this Simple Macaroni Salad. I read the ingredients and there were some combinations I usually avoid like pickles and olives - love them both, but together? Covered in sauce? But I had the ingredients, which was key since I didn't want to go to the store. I shredded my carrot instead of dicing, but otherwise the recipe stayed as written. It was really good. Like REALLY good. There was a bit of leftovers, so I topped them chopped ham and got a couple lunches out of the remainder.
Happy Friday,

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