- We are planting doughnut bushes. Or so the 5 y.o. believes.
- We are walking.
- We are waking to a pretty, but wet, Spring snow.
- We are, or rather the 17 y.o. is, at an Av's game trying not to drool on the glass.
- We are awaiting appointment #4 of 5. . .in the home stretch now.
- We are walking. . .again, though it's not quite a pattern and far away from a habit.
- We are noticing clutter in corners and then it's all we can see. . .cluttered corners.
- We are over-the-top excited to have bid on last-minute tickets to the Av's final home game and finally had the bid accepted (bidding and waiting was almost an all day torture.) I think there were tears.
- We are thinking a good 'ol cardboard box beats the xBox any day!
- We are cheering (and there was a lot of animated cheering) on the home team from the couch, while big sister is at the game.
- We are having a serious Big 80's flashback. Hubby had a pair of these when we first met. . .although he went sock-less as opposed to the Mickey Mouse choice of today.
- We are thinking that today, a warm Apple Pecan Oatmeal cookie is as good as it gets.
- We are still walking and have decided the track is beyond boring.
- We are always struck by the snow covered peaks.
- We are enjoying this view on today's walk.
- We are thinking the work-out summary is lying, because it sure as heck felt longer and more calorie burning harder than past walks.
Happy Wednesday,

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