The StashBusters class (there's a new one starting!) that inspired my digging into my stash and using it, also inspired me to purge said stash. (This phenomenon has spread to the Apron Strings store room - look out.)
It's time to ask ourselves, How long have I had it?
The longer you hold on to something without using it, the less likely it is you'll ever use it. Now, if I excavate deep enough into my stash I'm gonna find some really old stuff that still appeals to me. I'm not saying toss that. I mean it's not a question of "do I like it." I know I like it, but I would bring it to the forefront of my cubes, or maybe stack in on my work table to use next; get it in my sight and within reach. So, no, I'm not talking about the old stuff you still love and know you still love (you're not trying to talk yourself into loving it - there's a big difference.)
I am talking about those old Maya Road tins that I tucked away years ago with grand plans. You can bet your sweet tape runner that they're outta here, now. Those foam stamps that have sitting in plain sight and I used once over five years ago, well let's just say the kindergartners next year are gonna be happy little stampers. I've mentioned older kits that I purged once, but talked myself back into keeping them. They are now gone now, too.
If you've had something for more than a year (which is why purging should happen more than once in a lifetime) and haven’t put it to use, or even thought of it, it’s probably time to move on. If you're not sure, put it out, where you can see it and touch it. Give it two weeks, tops. If it's still sitting there, then, yep. Buh-bye.
Go. Purge.

such great ideas on the purging!!! I have to say it almost feels better to have less things and too much!!! man, I sound crazy right?? LOL
Wendi - not so crazy. Less things doesn't mean no things. If you less is actually things you'll use, I see nothing wrong with that. Sometimes we have too many choices and we end up stalled because we can't choose. Less to choose from, more likely to complete something. :)
yup I agree and notice when I do that I find things Ive always wanted to use and can't find.
LOL, man my response is hideous - that's what I get for replying on my phone. But yep, chances are if you purge to a smaller supply, you'll have the things you truly love and, bonus, you'll know where they are. LOL
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