Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Sketch Challenge

July.  Who can believe we're this far into the year.  Seems like only yesterday I was scrapping ice off my windshield.  If you need to escape the heat - then grab your July kit and head for cooler realms.

This is the exclusive sketch found in the July scrapbook kits.  Becky Fleck, over at PageMapshas been providing our sketches for, what, five years now.  They're always awesome and the perfect foundation to get rolling with your kit.  Becky is also the editor for Scrapbooks and Cards Today, which is a beautiful publication.  Subscribe or download it for free.

July's sketch features six photos.  You could certainly get more by dividing the 6x4" and 4x6" photos into 3x2" and/or 2x3" photos.  You can sub out the square 3x3" photos for 4x4" or larger.  You could even use an additional 4x6" photo.  There is also room for additional 3x3" photos to the left of the one on the left side and beneath the one on the right side.

Need less space, use one side of the sketch or the other.  You can also combine the right side block of three photos into a 5x7", or larger, single photo.  Mat the photo to give it enough weight and shift the embellishments to the right closer.

Don't forget you can rotate one side or the other if your photos have different orientations.  

What will you do?

Go.  Create.

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